Free Brownie Box Packaging Mockup

The brownie box mockup is a free Photoshop PSD file. It contains a real life photo of a brownie box that you can use in your next design project.

All you need to do is open the file in Adobe Photoshop. After that, just double-click on the layers and edit each one as needed.

This is a brownie box packaging mockup that can be used as a great image for your packaging designs. The brownie box mockup has been created using smart objects and you can modify it easily. If you want to turn this mockup into a real product, just download the PSD file and start editing!

To download this free mockup, just drag and drop your design into the Smart Object layer. This will allow you to edit the design without having to manually place each image in place.


Available Format: Layered PSD through smart object insertion
Zip File Includes: Photoshop PSD File
Resolution: 2000 x 2250 px

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